Wally Halicki Walter Halicki

Walter Halicki promotes the importance of positive content

Walter Halicki, an online reputation management expert,  is taking the time to explain why promoting positive content – whether it be pictures, videos, press releases, articles or any other publications – is vital to your brand and name. In order to change how anything is viewed online, whether it’s a person or business, it’s essential to create and maintain positive assets. The “positivity” comes from the fact that these assets don’t harm the person or company in question, and the online reputation management expert Walter Halicki explains exactly why promoting positive content is so important.

1. Cross-promotion

Using several different platforms to promote the same content or idea is an effective way to get as many viewers as possible. You can take many routes to achieve this goal, but one of the most effective ways is through the use of social media. Positive reviews, comments, and  press can all be shared on the various social media platforms that a business or person uses, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more. This way, the highest number of people possible has the opportunity to click on it and see your message.

2. Promote the positive through asking for reviews

Another method of generating positive press is by simply asking for reviews. There are plenty of satisfied customers out there who never post anything online about their experiences. Politely asking members, users, patrons and guests to rate their experiences online without being pushy or annoying when they express their satisfaction and pleasure is a great way to positively boost an online reputation, rather than letting a vocal minority of unsatisfied customers control what your brand looks like online.

Walter Halicki

Walter Halicki Shares “Pushing Down Undesirable Results and Introducing Favorable Content” Helps Improve Online Presence

Walter Halicki, CEO of JW Maxx Solutions a Reputation Management Company based out of Phoenix Arizona helps find solutions to negative sentiment when it comes to online presence.  JW Maxx Solutions is known for reputation management of clients worldwide and one of the top leaders of the field.  “Walter Halicki and his team of experts” continue helping clients protect and maintain a good online presence.  They work with you, get to understand what you or your company does and develop a strategy to identify the areas of opportunity to make you successful when it comes to online reputation management.

JW Maxx Solutions is one of the leading reputation and maintenance companies working “with clients” to help develop a strategic plan to enhance their online profile.  This plan helps to identify the areas of weakness and opportunity to make a business successful on the internet.  Walter Halicki also shares “at times” it may be appropriate “to quickly” respond efficiently and aggressively to make a change from negative reviews in extreme cases to more favorable reviews in a short time.  Clients’ needs differ “therefore” each proposal must be designed to help deliver change and opportunity to prevent negative sentiment shares Walter Halicki.

JW Maxx Solutions offers a variety of solutions and services such as Crisis/Rescue Management, SEO, Consulting, Social Media, Marketing and Promotion, Video Marketing Online, Video Promotion, Brand Reputation, Reputation Defense and Celebrity Management are just a few of the services offered.

Walter Halicki and his team of professionals share that by pushing down undesirable results and introducing more reliable and favorable content is one way of keeping a more favorable position on the internet.

For the experts’ advice in the field you can contact Walter Halicki or visit their website.


Walter Halicki

Online Reputation Management and Maintenance is Crucial in Today’s Work Place

Walter Halicki, Founder and President of JW Maxx Solutions, says that many understand that the reputation of your business holds a great deal of importance on how you are viewed on today’s internet.  Walter Halicki says that this is why monitoring, protecting, and defending your reputation online is so necessary and should be part of any business strategic plan and marketing campaign.  It is so important for the business owner to know how he/she or the business itself is being viewed and whether that sentiment is positive or negative.  Walter Halicki also consults and his company JW Maxx Solutions has a team of experts in this field here to help.

JW Maxx Solutions one of the top leading reputation management and maintenance solutions companies working with many clients to help them develop a strategic plan for, identifying the areas of weakness and opportunity to make their company successful on the internet.  This form of prevention can make a big difference, both to your business and to the people viewing you on the internet say’s Walter Halicki.   JW Maxx Solutions wants positive reviews, especially from customers who will speak highly of your business.

Walter Halicki also shares at times it may be important to quickly respond efficiently and aggressively to make a change from negative reviews in extreme cases to more favorable reviews in a short time.  Clients’ needs differ therefore each plan must be designed to help provide change and opportunity to combat negative sentiment.  Walter Halicki and his team share that by pushing down undesirable results and introducing more positive and favorable content you can maintain a more favorable position on the internet.  At  JW Maxx Solutions, Walter Halicki and his team of experts will work with you to help decrease the negative results that are sabotaging you or your business.